The lights are on this work of art And nothing can compare For I've seen God, he's in my heartbeat And always has been there Eyes dilate as I vibrate Luminous is the flame And out there it's a nightmare Let rotten wood fall away Indifference to trivial views Wrapped up in my bliss Indolence will pacify with heavy tricle kiss We are of the sun Not captive to the mundane death of the body And who says this is not the one state? For I belong here Let rotten wood fall away I dream a revolution of the creed Blow the valve, reset the code I feed from the spaces inbetween I evoke heaven with a stamp om my tongue I believe this is Eden I perceive Open doors breathing walls The opulence of kings I believe it's perfection I've achieved No reward could ever come To reach this seventh heaven I'm in love with a chemical It's alldownhill from here Turn Off, Tune Out, Drop Down