Down in the valley on a midwinter's night walks _The_Crone, unseen by human kind _Her_ weary heart longing for rest _Her_ eyes saw too much of sorrow and grief There was a time when _She_ was adored and the valley full of bliss and joy until the day the gaunt one appeared He never smiled nor shed any fear! And he raised his voice Behold I'm Messiah! It was then _She_ knew the time had come! A dream? A dream? It's only a dream! A dream? A dream? _She_ lives in my dream The man, he spoke of commandments and sin of wicked wifes, of chaste and virtious men He'd sown the seed of mischief in their hearts: Those once proud, now a submissive crowd! And he raised his voice Behold I'm Messiah! I'm the son of god! I come in fire! My kingdom come! My will be done! It was the _she_ knew her time had come! A dream? A dream? It's only a dream! A dream? A dream? _She_ lives in my dreams... Now the blind are leading the blind! Independence and wisdom exchanged for ignorance and minority Seizure and oppression amongst the once born free! But still no one dared to raise a hand against _The_Crone_ They were aware - despite his sermons - that _She_ still held _The_Strength_ and _The_Power_! And as _She_ makes her way through centuries and decades _She_ waits for human kind to awake to snake off the chains of Messiah! In patience _She_ walks the world in search for those who uphold the memento of the Golden Age! While in his church, in fitful sleep, formented by nightmares lies Messiah in fright of the dark! The demons he raised to strike the blind with fear were not just a mirage: They've become alive - to haunt Messiah! To end creation's devastation, the senseless sacrifice _She_, _The_Weaver_, weaves The Veil of Damnation! And out of the dark, _Valkyries_ and _Erinyes_ rising Avenging Angels of doom? Called by _The_Crone_ the wandering ones seek for vengeance Awaiting The Last Stand! The Earth awakes in fire, thunderstorm and lightning Night calls into being decline! And up in the skies: The Crone in the midst of silence Armagideon has now begun! And out of his dreams Messiah pleas: _Goddess_, have mercy upon me!!! Misguided prophet see _My_Scythe_ descending over you!!! Down in the valley neath the river of time sits _The_Crone_ remembering human kind Now winter's gone and springtime has come And all the ashes are washed away and he raised his voice...