Anthony Smith

Half a Man

Anthony Smith

I can chop wood, from dusk till dawn.
I can swing a hammer, till the daylight's gone.
I can build a barn, I can make a home with these two hands.
But if I didn't have all your love, I'd be half a man.

I can fly a plane up in the big blue sky.
Blaze a trail through the woods in my 4-wheel drive.
With a team of horses or an old John Deere, I can plow this land.
But if I didn't have all your love, I'd be half a man.

I can hang the stars, I can rope the moon.
Walk across Texas in these cowboy boots.
I can run a train when it runs outta track,
With the weight of the world laid across my back.
But my life still wouldn't be worth a damn:
If I didn't have all your love, I'd be half a man.

I could build a fire, usin' nothin' but a stick.
If I put my mind to it, there ain't much I can't fix.
I can read and count, I can figure things out if you give me a chance.
But if I didn't have all your love, I'd be half a man.

Chorus repeated twice:
I can hang the stars, I can rope the moon.
Walk across Texas in these cowboy boots.
I can run a train when it runs outta track,
With the weight of the world laid across my back.
But my life still wouldn't be worth a damn:
If I didn't have all your love, I'd be half a man.

I can hang the stars, I can rope the moon.
Walk across Texas in these cowboy boots.
I can run a train when it runs outta track,
With the weight of the world laid across my back.
But my life still wouldn't be worth a damn:
If I didn't have all your love, I'd be half a man.

I'd be half a man.