Hold her hand in Dorothy Perkins Order a Big Mac; let her pinch all the gherkins Don't they know this is all part of modern romance? Open mouths, touching tongues Into town on the bus they were feeling no restraint But the looks they were getting were strange Open mouths, raised eyebrows Can they not remember how it felt to live young? Oh man! Those days must've been fun! Fooling around, messing about... Utter nonsense, a bit of fun Maybe later they will find a convenient bike shed To try out what they learnt in Sex Ed Utter nonsense, a waste of time They should be home reading books to enrich their future And not the bloody Karma Sutra! Watch as they try to write a fairytale Sharing elegant kisses, leaving delicate trails of Chapstick, Tic Tacs and cigarettes They're skipping school but let's not forget That these are the lessons that matter the most The optimal method of removing your clothes When you're sneaking into woods in the afternoon Knowing full well you'll be in paradise soon Open mouths, touching tongues Into town on the bus they were feeling no restraint But the looks they were getting were strange Open mouths, raised eyebrows Can they not remember how it felt to live young? Oh Jesus! Those days must've been fun! Fooling around, messing about... Watch as they try to write a fairytale Sharing elegant kisses, leaving delicate trails of Chapstick, Tic Tacs and cigarettes They're skipping school but let's not forget That these are the lessons that matter the most The optimal method of removing your clothes When you're sneaking into woods in the afternoon Knowing full well you'll be in paradise soon Hold her hand in Dorothy Perkins Order a Big Mac; let her pinch all the gherkins Don't they know this is the height of modern romance?