Anthony Evans

I Love You

Anthony Evans

I like clear blue skies 
mountains high just livin life and 
I like my family being with me 
Laughing hysterically 
I like finding you 
in the everyday things I do 
yet with all that you create 
nothing could ever take your place cause 

I love you 
For love you've given me so freely 
I always will 
More than songs I sing more than anything 
I love you 
More than life in me or the air I breathe 
And I can't wait until that final day 
when I see your face 
Hope it won't be long 

I like that every night when I see the stars 
I see your eyes and 
I like with a brand new start everyday 
I see your heart and 
I want to be your man take a step 
And see your hand 
With all this joy inside 
There's no way I could deny 


Everything you made for me and everything I've got 
Well it's just your way of sending me forget me nots 
Every tender mercy every brand new day 
With every thing you've done for me I just have to say 
I love you 

Chorus 2X