Anthony Callea


Anthony Callea

I didn't want it
I was alone and doin fine 
You came along and
Sweet talked your way into my life 
We started a new day
You said you'd promise to make it last 
You left me half way, half way to nowhere 


I pulled away from the start
But you faked you way into my heart 
Leaving me here in the dark - stranded 
I fell for your lies and your pretence 
I gave you my time but in the end
I'm back in the same place again - stranded 

You left me broken
You turned my whole world upside down 
You make excuses
You think you can turn it all around 
But I see right through it 
Now I know what you're all about
It's like you planned it, to leave me stranded 


I gave you my heart, and you got what you wanted from me 
Its so easy for you but all I can do is watch you leave 
