At the beginning there were the mists Above the waters they rolled and they tumbled The mists begat life for willing they were to The world was born and its creatures too… From the wilderness of a world of purity Came the throng of shunning humanity New-comers in the great realm of Earth And they soon desired to have it whole Many centuries have passed since then Years of fight, despair and conquer Evil they were and wild they behave But the world was finally their. "Many tongues they spoke Many things they achieved But war was their curse And the mists they forgot" "From the crazy craft of men From their ant-like activity The Shadow slowly grew in their heart For the mists they forgot" Like a vile, insidious disease Dark sprouts had poisoned All their silly lives and soon Men got weary of the world The ultimate darkness finally came From evil thoughts and dreams gathered The mists were back and came down slowly And they closed the Book of History And in the depth of the Universe The mad Sultan began to laugh While humanity stood still and froze And the crazy melody of pipes dived into… The nothingness of the mists !