


Distance makes the heart grow fonder
Who said that anyway?
Must've been someone just like me
A hopeless design, under constant repair
All the wiring tangled, disconnected
Burnt wires, short circuits
Dip me in water, destroy my insides
It'd feel a lot better than this
Being alone, desolation at its finest hour
Being torn away from you, the essence of torture
What if, a devastating thought
Why is eating at my heart
God, where are you when I need you?
I'm stuck, I'm so fucking lost
Those things most important to me
You shouldn't be one of them
But you are, I can't help it
These scars, I can't stop them
Your words, they latch onto me
Never weakening, only weakening me
I have so much to say, but no time to say it
I've said too much, sew my mouth shut
So lost without you
I keep falling
Falling apart
Falling for you
Falling deeper
I reach up for you
You're still so far away
Please clutch my hand
And don't let go
Don't let go