Unbelievable enough, the seas sunk But the sudden wide, reputable desert Thats the astounding! After leaving the crash-site The expedition recovered even more mystical findings Oversized tracks of footprints And rags of fabrics totally unknown to this world Were spread in a straight vertical line Leading higher and higher This is a newborn desert, and someone is here already This is where He emerged Who are you wanderer? The insight of your own kinds defeat an irony I am the formula, made and brought above your figment Also what, you were thought to abhor See me as the conduct! I have elongated in the desert for thousands of years As a nematode in the soil, awaiting this very moment! This enigma you bring up on us Towards what does it lead? A turning point, the prehistorical truth, adhered to all religious beliefs! There are evidence A companionship is what I require All of you will collect the shrewd fragments of clues That will unmask and then portent the expression; God! Because I am that example! Not world dominant Neither the architect of stars But I represent heaven, just as much as hell!