Hey mate u got da stuff, got da goot stuff? Yeh mate u got da money yeh mate I onli got 20 dollarz 20 dollarz? No mate u need 50 dollarz 50 dollars hey mate I gotta take my money and run hey man cum bak yo dat man took my 50 dollar bill to fuk wit him coz he's going to kill all I did was sit here and chill watch out man he gang live in box hill look at him bitch snoop up like a ossie looking like a nip buh wrapped up like a aussie him and his bitch pulling on my hair I don't care im from cabramata yeh? His bitch looking fyn looking all stuk up get da fuk awaii u stink u fuk Watch out mate da cowboy move don't walk awai I get gun shoot u he look at me wanna start sum shiet coz sum heroin mate I wanna hit u want no drug u want no score den fark u me fwend u no more hoo got da 50 50 dollar bill I got da 50 u got da 50 Anonymous yellow cumin down wif da chill Bring on da 50 50 dollar bill hoo got da 50 50 dollar bill I got da 50 u got da 50 Anonymous yellow cumin down wif da chill Bring on da 50 50 dollar bill I sai shut up u cant even speek all I speek is da broken English Wat for u giv my girl cheeki grin u do agen I chop u up dim sim Eating dim sim wif a steam dumpling double soya sauce and a coconut drink So so hungry lets go in instead go to springvale mate get 2 dollar bred Sorri me no understand drinking grog mayb u noe I eat ur dog. Put barbeque sauce on da litlle mut u want a big piece I hav to cut Y u laffing at me I hav to squat where's da toilet paper mate I forgot U want sum pussy for a side dish I farking her nomore coz she a bishhhh hoo got da 50 50 dollar bill I got da 50 u got da 50 Anonymous yellow cumin down wif da chill Bring on da 50 50 dollar bill hoo got da 50 50 dollar bill I got da 50 u got da 50 Anonymous yellow cumin down wif da chill Bring on da 50 50 dollar bill Now I have to looking for dirt look here mate I have your shirt Look at ur bum its soo brown wat u doin tonite lets go to crown Bringing ur baby we leave in da car don't let da cops noe dey cuff u up Wat u sai don't sai ur azn or get a free ride to da police station Cum to springvale mate I stab u in da back don't cause no trouble coz I attack Everybody cum and listen to da nipper rhyme wish all da girls I luv u long tym I don't care I cum straight off da boat u like my shiet coz dis I wrote Every1 throw ur 50z in da air and wave dem around like u jush don't care hoo got da 50 50 dollar bill I got da 50 u got da 50 Anonymous yellow cumin down wif da chill Bring on da 50 50 dollar bill hoo got da 50 50 dollar bill I got da 50 u got da 50 Anonymous yellow cumin down wif da chill Bring on da 50 50 dollar bill 50 dollar 50 dolar bill 50 dollar 50 dolar bill 50 dollar 50 dolar bill u c mate don't do da heroin don't do da drugs or else u get ur 50 dollar wasted u noe it go awaii sum1 take it from u