
Cognitive Dissonance


Father! Where have you gone?
We need your eyes in times of filth
Instill the shame, provide the blame
Invoke the guilt
Because the flesh takes on a life of its own

I know that I can’t be left alone
So be my hands, and be me eyes, and be my soul

Hands fed to the churning gears of industry
Devotion shifted, subverted
Legions frothing at the mouth
A populace now enslaved by the temporal

Compassion cannot be bought
Salvation cannot be achieved without suffering
Absolution cannot be sold

His message must be heard
Christ thrown on the assembly line
Mass production
His message must be heard
At the behest of His word

Hypocrite! Whited Sepulcher! Liar!

The blood on your hands is washed away by your divine lie
Run through your lines to appease your huddled masses

Ravenous wolf! Miscreant vermin!

I know that you never had a soul
From this point on, to watch you die will be my goal

Counting the earnings stolen from the weak and broken
The dissonance of manufactured faith left unspoken
The struggle for utopian morality spawned dystopia

Ravenous wolf! Pharisee!