(L) Doesn't matter what's happening around me I'll rejoice in my brothers' prosperity Cause I find contentment in You Doesn't matter what people say In spite of what bills I have to pay I find contentment in You Knowing You'll supply all my needs And everything I need is in need I find contentment in You Doesn't matter who walks out my life It's ok if I sleep alone at night Cause I (C) I find contentment in You (L) Knowing You walk with me Knowing You bearing on eagles wings (Both) I find contentment in You (L) In spite of what should have happened by now There are no regrets somehow Oh I (C) I find contentment in You (L) Knowing I heard Your voice Knowing I make the right choice Knowing Your seeing over me I'ma show You my victory Oww I (C) Oww I find contentment in You (L) So what if my car want start today Got to hop on the bus 1.75 I pay Cause I (C) I find contentment in You (L) No money to eat You want me to fast I see Before defeat I could lose a pound or 3 Cause I (C) I find contentment in You (L) Knowing that You are my daily beard I am righteous I don't have to beg (C) I find contentment in You (L) When the phone don't ring no mo Even when I have to sleep on the floor Lord I (C) I find contentment in You (L) I rest In the bosom on Your arm Knowing I'm safe from all harm Oh I (C) I find contentment in You Vamp (L) What so ever say amen Lord I learned to be content I'm happy with Jesus Jesus alone yeah… I'm happy with Jesus Jesus alone He brings my joy yea… He makes me glad yea In You Oww I He means more to me He means more to me Than material things yea I'm happy with Jesus Jesus alone Jesus alone Jesus alone Jesus alone yeah He want leave ya He want never forsake you I find, I find, I find, I find In You