The serpents lay in bile down below miles down way below the surface bloody waves flowing through its rivers unearthly winds blowing through its chambers Dead of light, dead of life, filled with hate He will conquer The worlds life and the divine light One day he will return He, the bastard son of a fallen angel he, the one who will bring god to his knees He. The bastard son of a fallen angel he, the one who will bring..... Genocide Of heaven decimate, the heavens heavens, will come, falling down down below, he'll show you pain And when he takes his wraith NOT EVEN THE ANGELS WILL BE Spared of death (repeated) God has abandoned you, left to burn (repeated) the bastard son of a fallen angel the bastard son has returned HE WILL REAP DEATH HE CALLS MY...NAME (He calls me, he calls me) He burns our fields across the land he burns our oceans he burns all our resources he burns all life The earth is gods grave free of pain and suffering