Anne Murray

As I Am

Anne Murray

I could use a rainbow right about now
A minor miracle, I would not turn down
But human condition's gotten way out of hand
It's so hard to be just who I am

I could use some magic to break this spell
A rope or a ladder to climb out of this well
I'm so tired of changing to fit someone else's plans
I need someone who wants me as I am

As I am, without a single word of compromise
So I won't have to hide behind some clever disguise
That only works for a while
I want someone who wants me as I am

Maybe on a sunny day without any clouds
A friendly face will step out of the crowd
My future companion who will meet me where I stand
Someone who wants me as I am

As I am, without a single word of compromise
So I won't have to hide behind some clever disguise
That only works for a while
So if fate wants to give me one more chance

Make it someone who wants me as I am