Heading down the path to destiny With vicious hounds in tow The taste of victory is growing stronger More than ever before The corpse count is rising Gwyn ap nudd only stops To sharpen his blade Even a massive sword of high quality Dulls on the bones of thousands of men The canine companions of the new king Increase the death count by tenfold Their vicious bites hotter than A blacksmith's cinder Melting through the strongest opposing armors Like a scythe through a meadow Entering the gates Of an unknown castle Gwyn shows more caution A massive blade is ideal on a plain But not confined by brick and mortar The physical act of yielding a weapon Is only one aspect of war A sharpened mind and unyielding strategy Is more a key to victory At last! The final room! Wherein contains gwyn's lost love But with her, two knights Of unimaginable power A father and son, on their own holy mission Stand between gwyn ap nudd and his love A vicious battle ensues But there is no match for gwyn's great sword And a pack of hounds worthy of a king The eldest knight is slain and his son cyledr Is gravely wounded Victory! But this is not over Vengeance must be fulfilled For stealing the heart of the son of nudd Cyledr is forced to eat The heart of his father