Tales of this great warrior Losing his mind Travel far and wide across the land In a distant kingdom A kind hearted ruler takes notice He recalls hunting with cyledr Many times in the past With 20 men, king arthur makes A personal mission To attempt to restore the sanity That gwyn ap nudd has taken When approached by this king Cyledr takes notice There is some familiarity with this man But not enough to leave the bones A fight ensues when arthur and his men Try to seize the broken and insane warrior Out numbered, cyledr succumbs to The help he doesn't realize Away from the haunted battlefield The warrior is held under close watch Restrained for his own protection Arthur and his men Spend day after day Talking to cyledr in attempts To restore his humanity After a week, the warrior's torment Turns to confusion Now unrestrained, he can re-learn his role In civilization Bewildered and deterred Cyledr wields a sword When the hilt hits his hand An expression of enlightenment Shines from his face A new awakening! The warrior makes a full recovery Tales of the king from a distant kingdom Bringing a hopeless man back to sanity Spreads far and wide, Bringing hope to those who hear it Cyledr aids arthur in hunts for game But yearns for his own revenge A desire to take away From the man who took his father Along with his sanity