Disguise the guilt Sharp-eyed, impassive whore Burn the asafoetida and rank petriachor Lure me panthered Faustia With cunt and veiled womb To prowl thy inner sanctum walls In Tirgoviste to resume Control Seduction, my obsessive art A pantheon of tragedies inscribed upon the stars Like thistled ruin, garbed around thy heart Bacchanal Cinderella, desirious midnight passed Leaving thee as sacrifice asleep within my arms 'Midst dreams od robed redemption versed in sexual aftermath When we ebb as tides together, carnal souls entwined And orgasms expire, come puppet wires and the blind (Purge) Fires work in me A lithe supremacy I tear asunder heaven as I would all enemies Impaler Lord Flesh upon the sword My lower lusts are sated, the greater herald war...