Animal X

Scrisoare De La Mare

Animal X

E luni, ma prajesc la soare
Prietenii mei sunt de mult in mare
Unii fac windsurfing, altii la vanatoare
De privitoare amatoare de o scurta scufundare
Sunt pus la mare incercare
Sa aleg sezlongul racoros sau o sirena care...

What a life, what a day, 
What a good day
What a life, what a day,
Full of good things.

M-a luat o foame tare si n-am sa ard
As devora niste hamsii cu musdei si sare
Sa-mi fac o poza cand mananc si ti-o trimit felicitare
Super tare, fratioare, de la mare...


Hear my voice on the radio, jammin' in the studio
Or driving fast in a Cabrio
Fuuum, holler after me all of ya : 'Hey-A'
Pop, pop, pop the bottle cap
Champagne ?? and the ?? is on the top
The girls are tasting right now from the cup
Hmmm, the party is gonna blow up.
