Animal Collective

Visiting Friends

Animal Collective

We were visiting friends and saying hello
Then getting stoned and not saying much
Watching the fuss of the people on TV who talk faster than us
Ignoring the sound of the ice cream truck
He was being stingy

She was visiting moods
We were visiting plants
But it was too muddy
Your shoe got stuck
I laughed a lot
The plants looked unwell
I heard a bird in the windowpane
So you rolled up your grass
On the seat of my bike
But the cop couldn't tell
He had visiting hands

We were visiting beds
And marking the difference
In the way that they smell
The light hits them different
The sheets do get cold
When the windows are cracked
Or you recognize the room
And the posters that tilt
Furniture spread around

We were visiting mine
We were visiting mine
We were visiting mine
We were visiting mine
We were visiting min

Nós estávamos visitando amigos e dizendo olá
E ficando chapados e não dizendo muito
Assistindo o barulho das pessoas na TV que falam mais rápido do que nós
Ignorando o som do caminhão de sorvete
Eu ainda estou segurando a taça. Ele estava sendo mesquinho
Ela tinha humor de visita