Animal Bag

Cheerful Mary In The Rain

Animal Bag

While she sleeps 
Lying on the bed beside her 
While she sleeps 
Rain falls gently on the tin roof 
Soothing her, soothing me

While she dreams 
A smile crosses her face so peaceful 
While she dreams 
I swear I'll never do her wrong 
Swear I'll never do her wrong

Never did I imagine 
Thought I was above love 
Chased her through a garden 
Greener than her eyes 
She was my game

Cheerful Mary in the rain 
Flowers grow with every step she takes 
Hand in hand the statues dance 
Music is her laughter 
I push her on the garden swing 
Then we walk together down pebbled paths

Make love to the morning 
Basking in the glory of a new day 
Her scent fresh on my fingers 
Now I'm on my way 
To the clouds


While she sleeps 
I thank God for my good fortune 
While she dreams 
I bend down and I softly kiss her 
She stirs, she awakes 
We listen to the rain