you're my seeing eye dog and i am blind you take me there every time with that winning combination of loyal and kind your eyes like wells to the water of your mind i want to take a long, cool drink from your bucket to every thought i could think now, i say fuck it i just want to go with how i feel like my only job here is to care for and covet you, dear i love the way your stories seem to fall from your lips with just enough slobber so it sparkles and drips the way you hang the whole room on a word like a little stick in the beak of a bird first we touched fingers and then we touched toes then my army surrendered my government overthrown i threw myself a little role reversal and followed you home just dying to be chewed the dog was chosen by the bone be my seeing eye dog cuz i am blind just take me there one more time with that winning combination of loyal and kind your eyes like wells to the water of your mind i want to take a long, cool drink from your bucket to every thought i could think now, i say fuck it i just want to go with how i feel like my only job here is to care for and covet you, dear