Ani DiFranco

Make Me Stay

Ani DiFranco

i'm gonna turn
and walk away
you can wait
till i am far along
then run and come
and catch my arm
and say you'd die
if i were gone
i want to hear you
call my name
it's too easy
just to say it soft
i don't like my language
watered down
i don't like my edges
rounded off

i can't always wait
for your circumstance to improve
love is loose it
shifts each time you move
go ahead, put my back
against the wall
give it all up
or don't give it to me at all
you never know this could be
our last night
so step back
step back into the light
so i can see your silhouette
i'm not done looking yet

save the profile for the camera
give me your eye to eye
i know all your secrets
and you know all of mine
mostly i don't go
for the soft focus and the fantasy
i need something real
i can think
and say and see so

i'm going to turn
and walk away
you wait till i am far along
then run and come
and catch my arm
and say you'd die
if i were gone
yes i'm going to turn
and walk away
you can watch me go
or you can make me stay