Metal on metal and death on the death The preparation of the strength for another attack You seek to kill without remorse SEARCH YOUR SWORD OF THE MEAT OF NOBODY The wizard wise, the liquid is dope Guard is just one of secrets The magic potion and nutritious PERFECT FOR DRINKING BEFORE THE FOREST Secrets of the dark and rites a cave Potion mysterious to fight WIZARD OF OUR GAME ONE VICTORY Prepare the recipe the secret The chalice of steel is its energy For the blood and the souls of his enemies Magic Potion and bearer of power before the fight The chalice of steel is its energy FOR terror, pain and agony Magic Potion and carrier power during the fight Incredible strength and capacity POWERFUL ENEMIES AND SOLDIERS DIE BATTLES AND ATTACKS RESOLUTIVES Short and is so easy, hard to believe Surrend others always comes too soon The bloodthirsty create us, often disrupts When the liquid death is in your vains The death instinct is very annoying.