It gives life to worlds, all the problems solved! Raise your head to see, and you'll be gone You're not alone! All behind the walls, time to climb and fall Let it by your side, it's time to fly We are the sky! Pick up your beer, cheer me up with alcohol! Praise the gods like if there's no tomorrow, hey, hey! Once in a lifetime! Life yggdrasil bring to us, and we have keep the peace And all the green of earth! Odin know an warrior! Fight for all the midgard reing, and valhalla will be pleased With the salvation act! Hail asgaard! Unknown magic rise, we become all might Stand up, face the truth, survive this war And prove the lore! If you leave the weak, they will cry and fear This won't end the fight, you punch the stone You're not alone! I wonder how this will work, the power of the nine worlds And all the life will just come, inside us all is our home