Still surviving after this war War destroy everything Take my hand and cry for the angels To keep us alive Breath my friend and focus your hope in this world I can feel This is hurting more than I though! Pray for your life, brother I can heal yourself With my skills I can call the dragons To breath with your heart! I finally found the cure My healing spells I pray for the gods, to save your soul! The green and red herbs for the body The blue and yellow herbs for the mind we can not separe this two things but we can heal both Pray for your life, brother I can heal yourself With my skills I can call the dragons To breath with your heart! Now I will tell you a story The story of a man who never be scared with nothing in this world He could discover, he could be someone important his life was intense, and after all those wars he could keep breathing and believing And now he remains on the mountains Because I could keep him alive! With our healing spells we can change the world and be more than a fucking fool! The magic can change the world You can believe in something even if it can be a lie, because the ilusion make everyone happy, and the ilusion can be the truth!