Riding out of the bloodred haze of the battlefield, leaving their first blood and triumph behind them and guided by the gods of war and thunder, they reached the temple of the warrior-goddess, which lemurian priests call the princess of steel. Warriors used to cut out the hearts of their fallen enemies to temple a virgin sword on her altar. And so did The Hood. They prayed for her alliance in their holy crusade for metal. A mighty storm arose and blew out their candles and in the middle of the dark she stood in flesh and blood the mighty princess of steel. Embarassed, shaky and full of fear the priests fled the temple. Her long red hair was shaking in the wind as she pointed her mighty sword to the warriors breasts - one by one Namor, Nightblade, Mortiiz and The Hood And so they were honoured, allegiance was sworn in the name of all into metal and the warrior-goddess herself the princess of steel. Back on the battlefields of this world they felt the strength of her power raving in their veins. And the last one you see in their eyes when they raise their sword agianst you is her spirit, the spirit of the princess of steel.