Riding in the light of a conquest Everybody thought was so hard to achieve Fighting the rules and the power Standing alone with our beliefs C´ mon let´s fly with the thunder Our pride stands higher than the hills We don´t reclaim for your love When the only choice is to kill... Your loyalty is a joke Where only the blind can fall We rise where others broke Stop us if you got the balls! Religion feeds our hate Tv sells the cure for the weak World´s disarray still dominates A society so sick... War to honour your god Lead us to heresy War to honour your god Religious profanity War to honour your god War to honour your god Riding in the light of a conquest Everybody thought was so hard to achieve Fighting the rules and the power Standing alone with our special beliefs C´ mon let´s fly with the thunder Our pride stands higher than the hills We don´t reclaim for your love When the only choice is to kill... War to honour your god Lead us to heresy War to honour your god Religious profanity War to honour your fucking god!