Its the beginning of a new and excitingly different story. Aye, listen. I'm representing for them gangsters all across the world. Still (x3) I'll- I'll break your neck, damn near put your face in your lap. I'm representing for them gangsters all across the world. Still (x3) I'll- I'll break your neck, damn near put your face in your lap. I'm representing for them gangsters all across the world. Still (x3) I'll- I'll break your neck, damn near put your face in your lap. I'm representing for them gangsters all across the world. Still (x3) I'll- I'll break your neck, damn near put your face in your lap. We don't give a fuck what y'all doing in this game. as a mather in fact, *sniff,Sniff* I smell PUSSY! Yo suck, let it bang. I'll- I'll break your neck, damn near put your face in your lap. I'm representing for them gangsters all across the world. Yo suck, let it bang. I'll- I'll break your neck, damn near put your face in your lap. Yo suck, let it bang. I'll- I'll break your neck, damn near put your face in your lap.