Andy Starr

Old Deacon Jones

Andy Starr

Tom: C

I know an olD Fella lives Down by the traCk
           G                             C
He useD to have more DouGh than you CoulD put in a saCk
He haD more FrienDs; it was a siGht to beholD
But they were aFter his money throuGh his heart oF GolD

Well, olD DeaCon Jones he haD a heart oF GolD
         F                       C
He haD a heart oF GolD; he haD a heart oF GolD
C                               F
Well, olD DeaCon Jones he haD a heart oF GolD
        C                                  C F C G C
But his silver ran out too soon. - Yeah!

[Verse 2]
Now he sits in his Cabin anD he's all alone
D                               C
His FrienDs like his money have all FaDeD anD Gone
C                              F
They stayeD in the boat while he was riDinG hiGh
But when he hit on the sanD they leFt him hiGh anD Dry

Well, olD DeaCon Jones he haD a heart oF GolD
         F                       C
He haD a heart oF GolD; he haD a heart oF GolD
C                               F
Well, olD DeaCon Jones he haD a heart oF GolD
        C                                C F C G C
But his silver ran out too soon. - Yeah!

[Verse 3]
IF you've a FrienD anD no money, Don't you worry or Cry
       G                              C
'Cause FrienDship is somethinG that-a money Can't buy
C                                       F
You're not just a poor boy; you're as riCh a kinG
'Cause a FrienD when you neeD him is a wonDerFul thinG