Over and over, We do it again Drink ‘til we’re sober, Then try to forget. Another day older, From a clock that won’t quit. A piece of the puzzle, That just doesn’t fit. Wait it out, pretend that your dreaming. Slow down, smile like you mean it. What if our hearts just get lost in the end? What if tomorrow, never begins? Are we waiting on something, that might not exist. What if happiness is just a myth? Over and over, We do it again. Hold on to something That we never had. Another year colder, And forced to admit. That we are just soldiers Of the war in our head. Wait it out, pretend that your dreaming. Slow down, smile like you mean it. What if our hearts just get lost in the end? What if tomorrow, never begins? Are we waiting on something, that might not exist. What if happiness is just a myth? Give me a sign, Tell me your mine. What if our hearts just get lost in the end? What if tomorrow, never begins? Are we waiting on something, that might not exist? What if happiness is just a myth?