High noon in the valley of the shadow When the deep of the valley was bright When the mouth of the tomb shouted, "Glory, the groom is alive" So long, you wages of sin go on, Don't you come back again I've been raised and redeemed; You've lost all your sting To the victor of the battle at High noon in the valley In the valley of the shadow And the demons, they danced in the darkness When that last ragged breath left his lungs And they reveled and howled At the war that they thought they had won But then, in the dark of the grave The stone rolled away In the still of the dawn on the greatest of days High noon in the valley of the shadow When the shadows were shot through with light When Jesus took in that breath And shattered all death with his life Be gone, you wages of sin Go on, don't you come back again I've been raised and redeemed You've lost all your sting To the victor of the battle High noon in the valley of the shadow Let the people rejoice Let the heavens resound Let the name of Jesus, who sought us And freed us forever ring out All praise to the fighter of the night Who rides on the light Whose gun is the grace of the God of the sky High noon in the valley of the shadow When the shadows were shot through with light When the mouth of the tomb Shouted, "Glory, the Groom is alive" Be gone, you wages of sin Go on, don't you come back again I've been raised and redeemed All praise to the king The victor of the battle High noon in the valley In the valley of the shadow