This old water This old water's Drown within When I'm falling I keep falling Down I feel borders I feel borders Fence me in There are dreams I need to draw So my feet Can hit the Floor This year I'll make The best of What I'm given This Year I'm gonna Say I did Instead of no I Didn't We'll make the rules up As we go N' break them As we go This year I'll find a Hand That I'll hold on to This year I'll find a Heart that I can say That I belong to We'll make the rules up As we go Everywhere we go Oh anywhere we go Oooh ooooh oooh Ooh oh oh oh This new rhythm Has a vision I can feel I keep climbing I keep climbing Up I know freedom I know freedom's Always here There are dreams I need to draw They could be mine They could be yours This year I'll make The best of What I'm given This Year I'm gonna Say I did Instead of no I Didn't We'll make the rules up As we go N' break them As we go This year I'll find a Hand That I'll hold on to This year I'll find a Heart that I can say That I belong to We'll make the rules up As we go Everywhere we go Oh anywhere we go I'll dive into the deepest Rivers Where everything Is new to me Where nothing's what It used to be Mistakes along The way We'll deliver I'll follow them to Where they lead Cause the risk Is worth the dream