Falling into emptiness, caught by pits of despair Can't find out sense of this fuck Why am i sentenced for life? Evocation of lord death Ritualistic suicide Falling into pits again, these ones made of light Travelling through cromlech now Life here's satisfied Aiwaz - dictated rules, a realm of glorious being Entering death's temple now, made of Unknown brightness Vulgar sculptures in its halls Ancient scripts enshrined Bowing down to your throne Shining star of sacred souls Offering you a sacrifice Acceptance is my praise Immolate to receive the key Ceremony is finished Shrine is open-wided, taking out the script Lord of death, grant me immortality And give me power to rise again, To show man that there's no truth Except for do what thou wilt. Then earth will be solved by the ancient ones, It will become a reich Where serpents reign!