Litanies in Blood I write As Prayers of Supremacy My Paper is the Skin of Mortals Like the Cuts of hundred Needles in their Head My Feather on it is burning When Children are brought to the Altar Grap their Hearts and offer them to me Diabolical Donation To get fed with Perpetuality When Darkside is calling Open the three Books To read and learn Now Flesh becomes My Word And Word becomes My Flesh Ego te baptiso in nomine Satanas! Taste the Devil's Nectar Drink the Serpent Blood Wilt is the dark Flame of the Universe As we pass the fiery Gates Hand in Hand with fallen sixwinged Seraphim In this sinistruous Night Where an Eidolon named Might On a Black Throne reigns upright I welcome Thee Walkers in velvet Spheres My Passion's Daughters and Sons Here is Thy deserved Dominion Corpus Sanguinarius Satanicum Hic sapientia est qui habet intellectum conputet numerum bestiae numerus hominim est et numerus eius est - Sescenti Sexaginta Sex!