Amy Bruce Spaceshow

Self Aware And Self Conscious

Amy Bruce Spaceshow

I try my hardest not to let my depression get the best of me
I try my hardest to let my personality be the only thing that defines me
I don't want to be defined by where I fucking drink coffee
Or by what clothes that I wear
What stupid bands I like to listen to
Or how I style my hair
Nor my sexual orientation
Nor if I like the body in which I was born in
Nor my past or who the fuck I've been
But I'm usually too quiet
And I " m rarely too loud
I'm self aware and I'm self conscious
And that makes me feel ashamed and proud
I'm more of a product of my mother and father
Than I am a product of your fucking society
I wasn't made to fit your boxes
Your boxes were made to fit me
And I developed a sense of morality
When I addressed all the things that bothered me
I need to believe what I believe
And not just what others tell me
(I'm more of a product of my mother and father than I am a product of the people that I bother)