How beautiful my love to you You are the only lover and the world I have is you and the world is too little to give for you How beautiful my love to you You are my only lover and the world I have is you and the world is too little to give for you your eye laugh to my eye what a beautiful from the first time that my eye saw it the world moving around me he takes my heart with his tenderness and nobody took his place and the longing,and the love shown In this beautiful night how beautiful my love to you you are my only lover and the world i have is you and the world is too little to give for you i love her voice and her speaking i am live to achieve her dreams I don't know, why? in front of her the world moving around me how beautiful my love to you you are my only lover and the world i have is you and the world is too little to give for you your eye laugh to my eye what a beautiful from the first time that my eye saw it the world moving around me Andressa Poeta