O Fortuna! Am I but your clockwork hero? From here in the last ditch Toe to toe, blow for blow You are the enigma Well, nevermind The future’s already happened And there is always someone left to fight To the death With every breath inside this body My dreams are what’s keeping me alive! And it is wise to be careful When the animal shows no fear Puny human – you are no match for me For things are never as they appear As they appear Well, I’ve been freed from the ropes that bind Now who is the puppet master? Dishing out an eye for an eye, spitting teeth Well, you’ll never take me alive O Fortuna! Am I alone in this darkness we call redemption? Well I could not change you No more than I could change my shadow No more than I could fly to the moon Puny human You are no match for me For things are never quite just what they seem to be