If I get another chance I'll read lots of books That talk about humanitarian thought Since we're speaking in theories "Me and the devil put our cards on the table" What we have here is a conflict of interest If we make a move maybe we pull this off And in the eyes of a broken man This is the bottom we've reached it And in the eyes of a broken man I know this place isn't for me "Abdicate the throne the peasants are making their move Planning escape Remember there's no celebration They must fall" "We will shed a tear for bones of those who tried and failed It is for certain they had passion in there hearts" He deals not in handshakes or promises He takes what you need We must escape "Abdicate the throne the peasants are making their move Planning escape Remember there's no celebration They must fall" "(Remember) March in time men (Keep Fighting) you must want redemption (In spite of) more than ever this night (The footsteps behind us)" The sun has hastened the escape Never dance with the devil in the pale moonlight The sun is setting Lower the white flag Salute the sun and don't look back (This is our only chance, when will we find the sun? The sun is setting can we go on?) I see through the eyes of a broken man This is the bottom we've reached it (March in time men. Passion in your hearts) I see through the eyes of a broken man This is the bottom we've reached it (Burn down the white flag, this is our chance) I see the sun Through the eyes of a broken man (It's right there. It's the sun. It's the sun.) It's the sun