Rot reflected in abyssal mirrors An existence of majestic fallacies Infamous cowardies, falsehoods and vanities Reneged by the adamic clay of which you are made Distorted reflections, badly finished drafts To your demiurgic powder they will return Among the worms, their weakness creeps Awaiting the ruin and destruction of being The imaginary empire that is doomed to collapse Egoic illusion strengthening prisons Immense assembly watching the farce end A beautiful harvest of all the poison planted To the Nothing will return but it will not remain there The orbital serpent will guide you back home The old order, the cosmic law, the same resumption The ruin of a mental kingdom that will come undone The end of all the weakness that insists on hiding From a name stained in the mud of shame The rupture of a parasitic web Total dissolution will once again have to take place