...And my life is passing 'tween light and darkness, the iris precludes to me its joyful reality keeping for me its dark side for wich my mind has fallen with sweet drownsinness Like a bee on a rose Divine sensation! A gloomy breath with a weavering intensity the artificial is banned, only nature speaks and its tongue joins together soul, mind and heart no more joy but pain its given order It's the point of no return It's the point of no return, people When loneliness is normality And your lying a obscure shelter You'll find out that the man is the real cheat A pride without faithfulness The haze will wrap slowly your limbs and give to your heart that warmth Often matching with the intense cold Son of a winter, his majesty by my words It's the point of no return It's the point of no return, people If I'm alone thanks to me If I'm alone it's my own fault, it's my own torture people call, people blame, people speak badly but my mind flies alone like the wind ...And my life is passing 'tween darkness and mistery But amid the whole there's a thought, a wisper, an emotion, alone on the path of desolation I'm listening to, and to the whispering nature I turn "Not a tombstone, But you will be my grave mother heart Not a graveyard But you'll keep my sleep, wide wood! Not a man, You nature will shelter my next life, Whatever I may be!"