White America is dying a slow and painful death, our people stand by brainwashed as she draws her last breath Our numbers dwindle down to nothing, you know we won't last long, why can't anybody else see there's something fuckin' wrong (chorus) What happened White America? The land where we come from, Her spirit has been taken, nightfall's soon to come, If we don't stand up now, and take the sword my friend, Our sacred race and country will soon see their end Our birthrate is in steady decline, we're losing our own blood, the bearers of this once great nation are now submerged in mud Our forefathers roll in their graves over what's become of our bold and mighty nation at the hands of hebrew scum (chorus) It's time to rise up young and old, revolution is at hand, we'll do honor to our fathers and reclaim our noble land All the evil in this country has a jewish face, we will fight them to the end and liberate our race (chorus)