There will come a time when you have to decide, a choice beyond good and evil, far past wrong or right Your people need your steady hand, to shoulder a weapon and defend this land, before we fall into an endless night (chorus) Kinsmen arise! Fight back against the enemy's lies Kinsmen arise! Attack the beast that's claimed so many lives, Comrades organize! and become a weapon again, While there's still something left for us to defend Where's the spirit, where's the pride that's brought us all this far, maybe it's been wasting away at the end of a fuckin' bar It's time to give up boyhood, it's time to drill and train, and give birth to a new breed that will survive the rain (chorus) Let's raise up the standards high, back where they belong, it's time our people begin to sing the true Warriors Song Let's regroup and rebuild a true patriots crowd, bring back the spirit and way of life that's made us all so proud (chorus x2)