American Standard

Election Day

American Standard

Well who could believe in a living cartoon
when its pumped into your living room?
they won't admit to you what the problem is
with loads of smoke and trickery
they hide the facts so you can't see
you'd think they could do better than this

so come on you fat old men
dont compromise your countrymen
the red tape is wrapping slowly around your necks
and listen all you beauracrats
give us meat and cut the fat
we're tired of paying off your rubber checks

I'm not the only one who knows
that politics are just a pose
one thousand points of light are not enough
admit that you dont't have the answer
the country's sick and you're the cancer
you havent helped at all by acting tough


The election is a running joke
the candidates are a fucking hoax
the sad thing about it is this joke's on us
the only way it all makes sense is dont't vote for, vote against
even if it made a difference