Tho' mine eyes are seeing double And my powder horn is drunk Another public house a puddle Where the bones and barrels sunk And my left leg isn't working As the barkeep fills with mud And the bison head is smirking Barley, Liberty, and Blood Barley, Liberty, and Blood O Mother Columbia! Take us in your breast Thy blinding scarlet stars Ever spilling West O Mother Columbia! Snow is red and wet Where's the goddamn bar? There's killing in me yet Tho' mine eyes are seeing double And my powder horn is drunk Another public house a puddle Where the bones and barrels sunk And my left leg isn't working As the barkeep fills with mud And the bison head is smirking Barley, Liberty, and Blood Barley, Liberty, and Blood O Mother Columbia! Take us in your breast Thy blinding scarlet stars Ever spilling West O Mother Columbia! Snow is red and wet Where's the goddamn bar? There's killing in me yet Tho' mine eyes are seeing double And my powder horn is drunk Another public house a puddle Where the bones and barrels sunk And my left leg isn't working As the barkeep fills with mud And the bison head is smirking Barley, Liberty, and Blood Barley, Liberty, and Blood O Mother Columbia! Take us in your breast Thy blinding scarlet stars Ever spilling West O Mother Columbia! Snow is red and wet Where's the goddamn bar? Where's the goddamn bar? O Mother Columbia! Take us in your breast Thy blinding scarlet stars Ever spilling West O Mother Columbia! Snow is red and wet Where's the goddamn bar? There's killing in me yet