Now could we go to the square they call Congo I need to go and lay my feet upon the stone Where the first of us stood before, before, before Where we came and played to revive our depleted souls Where we went to forget our freedom was not our own Where we went to hold onto the memory of way back home Now could we Now could we Now could we go Get to cong, get to cong congo Get to cong, get to congo (repeat) Now could we go to the square they call congo I need to go and lay my feet upon the stone Where the first of us stood before, before, before Where we made music in remembrance of human bodies sold Where the sound of an old pain became a new music of hope Where they paved me a road so I could get to congo Now could we Now could we Now could we go [chorus] And I would not be here today if they had not bee so displace, so displaced But still But still they made time to sing and play a song A song in congo [chorus]