Ambient Summer

Something As Beautiful

Ambient Summer

This song has alot of imagery in it.
it was inspired by an amazing sunset.
colorado has such beautiful sunsets.

i wanted to capture the canvas before my eyes, the colors, the sounds, the feeling of a cool breeze coming in after a hot day, a relaxing twilight, and i wanted to put it into sound, what would that moment sound like if it were a song. hopefully i did a close enough job.

Sit, watch !!
Its unrecognizable
something as beautiful.

Its here this time
well watch the sky fall down to earth
Tiny burning lights 
Cry at the sight of her
Its here, its here tonight
Shut down the heart and open the eyes
For something as beautiful as scattered moonlight.

Lie out on the cool porch, on a crisp summer night
Where clare de lune stretches across an incandescent sky
And burns.. and burns..and burns and burns