Ungab' usoze uphinde uzithathe for granted Ngoba impilo ilindele wena uzixolele Ungab' uphinde, ungab' uphinde uzithathe for granted Ngoba impilo ilinde wena uzxolele There's so much going on That andazi ndithini So much is going wrong But so much is going right But sometimes that's clouded And I know it's wrong to think like this Sometimes I'm clouded That I can't see I know I got a lot on my mind I know one day I'm gon' get it right I know you got a lot on your mind One day I know you gon' get it right Ngoba Nguwe, nguwe uthando Nguwe, nguwe Nguwe, nguwe uthando Nguwe, nguwe Nguwe, nguwe uthando Nguwe, nguwe Nguwe, nguwe uthando Nguwe It's been a long time since I've been here I been trying to find my way in this 3D Kodwa ndiyakwazi Kodwa mna ndiryti Kodwa mna ndiyazthanda Naxa kutshon' ilanga I know I got a lot on my mind I know one day I'm gon' get it right I know you got a lot on your mind One day I know you gon' get it right Ngoba Nguwe, nguwe uthando (Nguwe uthando nguwe) Nguwe, nguwe Nguwe, nguwe uthando (Nguwe uthando nguwe) Nguwe, nguwe Nguwe, nguwe uthando (Nguwe uthando nguwe) Nguwe, nguwe Nguwe, nguwe uthando (Nguwe uthando nguwe) Nguwe