Tom: G Acoustic Hearts Of Winter 2006 Hollywood Records as G# * - means harmonics Chords used: C9 - x32033 D - xx0232 C - x32010 Em7 - 022033 D/F# - 2xx23x D7 - xx0212 Intro: Heaven and nature Aly: e|-3--------------------------3------3--2--------------| B|-3-0-3----0-3---------------3-0-3--------------------| G|-0------0-------------------0------------0--0--0--0--| D|-0--------------------------0---------------------0--| A|-2-------------3--2--0------2------------3--2--0--2--| E|-3----------------------3---3---------------------3--| Aj: e|--------------8--7-----------------------8--7--------| B|--------------------10--8-------0--8--7--------10--8-| G|-5*--7*---------------------0------------------------| D|------------------------------0----------------------| A|-----------------------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------------------| Verse 1: G C9 D G C D G Joy to the World, the Lord has come! Let earth receive her King G C9 G G C9 G G Let every heart prepare Him room, And Heaven and nature sing D/F# Em7 C9 D G And Heaven and nature sing, And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing Ad lib: Aly: e|-3------3---2-------------| B|-3-0-3--------------------| G|-0------0---0-------------| D|-0------------------------| A|-2-------------3--2--0----| E|-3----------------------3-| Aj: e|--------------8--7----------| B|----------------------------| G|-5*--7*------------------5*-| D|---------------------4*-----| A|----------------------------| E|----------------------------| Verse 2: G C9 D G C D G Joy to the World, the Savior reigns! Let men their songs employ G C9 G G C9 G G While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy D/F# Em7 C9 D G Repeat the sounding joy, Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy Interlude: Aly: e|-----------------------------------------------------------------| B|-0-----0-----0---0-----0-----0---0-----0-----0---0-----0-----0---| G|---2-0---2-0---2---2-----2-----2---2-----2-----2---0-----0-----0-| D|---------------------4-----4---------2-----2---------0-----0-----| A|-----------------------------------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------------------------------| Aj: C-D-Em7-G e|-0--2--3--3--| B|-1--3--3--3--| G|-0--2--0--0--| D|-2--0--2--0--| A|-3-----2--2--| E|-------0--3--| Chorus: Aly: e|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|-3-----3-----0---3-----1----1-0------0--------0-----------3---0---------3-| G|---0-----0-----0---0-----0-------0h2---0--0h2---0-------0---0---0-----0---| D|-----0-----0---------0-----0--------------------------2-------------2-----| A|----------------------------------------------------2-------------3-------| E|--------------------------------------------------0-----------------------| C D7 Heaven sings and He brings G D/F# Em7 All these best things to this world D C9 D(hold) And we pray, and we say Verse 3: G C9 D G C D G He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove G C9 G G C9 G G The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love D/F# Em7 C9 D G And wonders of His love, And wonders, wonders, of His love (Repeat Verse 1 except last word) Outro: Em7---G---C-Am-C-D7-- sing (Repeat Intro twice end in G let ring)