A familiar feeling, the brush of flesh against my own Sounds of sobbing, weeping, of melancholy, lachrymose Surrounded by simple offers to help, to lend an ear These empty offerings, these hollow gestures that I loathe But it's all the same and they whisper nothings they don't care Look for a chance to seem a good person without effort They don't know me They never will know me They don't know this pain They don't care I've been here before its the same old story, you want to help What you think you think you know you will never understand, it's all over I'm just so sick of the fiction and lies, I want to die, don't you get it? You can't fix this, you can't even comprehend what's on my mind One by one they disappoint with lies They offer worthless claims of false sympathy They all say: Heal thyself or talk to me I say: You don't want any part of this, you don't want to take on this burden It can't all be the same and they're saying something, they may care Reach out to grab that hand in the hopes they will connect Surely buried in well intentions there must be a cure A way to reconnect, a way to sew it up, to close the gap This is not me, I wasn't always this way It's a mistake, there must be a reason to live I remember there was once a time when I took joy in living, in being loved Somewhere along the way a split occurred between me and the rest of the world When I open my eyes there's no change, still in hell Faces blank and staring, grey around me, there's no comfort And these people that I once loved and hurt They all reach out open arms marked with wounds, self-inflicted My eyes darting frantic with withdraw, blood runs cold Rise to feet on weakened knees with pain and start to run Turning round they seem to be following, and slowly trudging shouting out their worthless offerings Must get away Please just speak to me Please just let me in Please just let me help Please let me in Please don't leave us I'm here for you Please don't say that You will be okay We care for you We won't let you down We all love you We can't let you go I don't want to Can't believe Got to get out Make it stop