I, a slave unto the moon I bow my head to the floor and pray for black I am buried among the stars The speak to me, tell me the words of a new God I worship the night My goddess I am one with the dark Nocturnal Lucifer calls my name Years and years pass until I awake The sun has abandoned me and I mourn my soul I worship the night, my goddess I am one with the dark, nocturnal Lucifer calls my name I must repent for whats been done For I wish For I need, to see the sun Now this cloak doesn't feel right Now reborn is my sight I am regretting my choice Consciousness, conscience now voiced Regret this path As twilight dwindles I await the sun I do not wish to again be Tempted by the lies beckoning Me to close my eyes forever It is now that I make amends For all the wrongs I did commit During the blackness that blinded These now open eyes Welcome back into the light